About Us

Grupo Amygo is the first Spanish group specialised in International and National moves with coverage in all 5 continents, created by prestigious  able to provide a high quality service.

The secret of Grupo Amygo it is keeping “best practices” of all our partners and associates. In Grupo Amygo we are aware that united we stand and this project has allowed us to multiply our resources and capabilities of each one of our members.


On the 28th February 1998, representatives of 6 removal companies from different places in Spain, were reunited in a Notary from Madrid to realise a project fruit of many meetings which during months had been working in: The committee of Grupo Amygo.

Grupo Amygo was born as a result of many worldwide trends and corporate merger consolidated in the Removal sector as a big company thanks to its logistic support of its associates, whom at the same time Removal companies and from a Operational and Comercial Centre perfectly structured to provide an immediate answer to its clients demands.

Grupo Amygo in a sector low habituated to initiatives of this kind, due to the chance of offering to all its clients a full service in any national territory thanks to a large network of equipped delegations with latest equipement and best human resources and materials, as well as wide and frequent routs around the main european countries, where is supported by the most important groups in this sector in Europe.


Every year the removal sector evolves to a much more personalised, precise and reliable service with corporate clients who require besides a removal, a professional advice service in customs process, characteristics of the destination country, assistance to its employees related to change location, etc.

Our expertise allows to expatriates -repatriates devoting its efforts to other issues than the removal.

We have adapted to this constantly change and will keep evolving. A proof of it is its expansion from its foundation for 6 partners to actual 13, covering over 80% of Spanish population all that supported with “Quality Certification ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001″

Grupo AMYGO has the most modern network of offices equipped with the latest technology in the sector and the best human and material resources.

The international moving company has found the best partners working closely with the most important groups from the Europe sector and with most reliable and highly reputed agents in a worldwide level. Grupo Amygo represents one the largest moving companies in Europe infrastructure with around 32 delegations distributed around major spanih cities, which allows us to establish a series of routs with weekly connections very advantageous.

As we keep growing in terms of technology and means with important projects to extend our Operational Centres, reinforce our commercial work and endow our international moving company with technological resources providing information to our clients and management assistance.

Grupo Amygo Guarantees if there is an accident, the compensation process will be properly treated.

Our Mission

In Grupo Amygo we want to remain the largest Spanish Group of Removal Company of quality and prestige.

In Grupo Amygo we seek to develop long term relations with our clients, such as seeing in us your trusted advisor in all all Removal aspects, International Removals, National Removals, local, Office removals, Storage and everything related to expatriates and repatriates.

All our network is aware to pledge to fulfil these objetives. Compromises are to be carried out. It is preferable not raising false expectations.

We are always clear and work day by day in not loosing this perspective. Customers have to be informed with honesty and professionalism. What is possible is signed and what is not has to be said to avoid fraud.

In Grupo Amygo we search ways of improving every day, of accomplish best of service and try to please customers to provide future services and being recommended to its relatives. That is why we ask to review experiences at the end of service to help us improve and regular meetings to carry on with improvements suggested by customers.

In Grupo Amygo, we are passionate of what we do and highest standard of professionalism. It is our way to grow and improve day by day incorporating and promoting loyalty in our customers.

Human and Technical Resources

SPECIALISTS Drivers: 86 Packers: 75 Advisors and specialists: 42
SPECIAL VEHICLES Small Vans up to 9m3: 18 Vans up to 20m3: 28 Trucks up to 40m3: 31 Trucks from 50 m3 to 100 m3: 20
VARIOUS Total storage capacity: 47.037 m3 Bridge crane: 2 External lifts: 29 Containers 8 m3: 454 Containers 12m3: 878 Containers 30m3: 226 Mechanical pallet truck: 25

Solicita tu presupuesto en 2 minutos

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**Nuestro servicio de mudanza requiere una carga mínima de 3 m³ (metros cúbicos), equivalente a aproximadamente 5 lavadoras.

Si tu carga es menor, te recomendamos contactar con una agencia de paquetería.**

¿Necesitas un presupuesto más detallado?

*Necesitarás crearte una cuenta para ambas opciones.