
98.63% satisfaction

ACCES Service

ACCES Service

Loading – Transport – Unloading
Card Board Delvery (Optional)
Disassembling and assembling furniture (drills in walls not included)
Disconnection of electronic equipment (connection not included)
Lamp disassembling from ceilings and curtains
Furniture protection (with blankets and covers)
Packaging belongings (Clothes, Books, Toys, Decor, etc)
Packaging breakables
Disconnection and connecting home appliances (without installing)
Unpacking breakables
Unpacking belongings (Clothes, Books, Toys, Decor, etc)
Installing objects to wall (pending budget)

Get your quote in 2 minutes.

Please provide a brief description of what you need to move and we will send you an approximate price based on the information provided.

**Our moving service requires a minimum load of 3 m³ (cubic meters), equivalent to approximately 5 washing machines. If your load is smaller, we recommend contacting a courier agency.**

Do you need a more detailed quote?

*You will need to create an account for both options.

Solicita tu presupuesto en 2 minutos

Haz una breve descripción de lo que necesitas trasladar y te mandaremos un precio aproximado acorde a la información facilitada

**Nuestro servicio de mudanza requiere una carga mínima de 3 m³ (metros cúbicos), equivalente a aproximadamente 5 lavadoras.

Si tu carga es menor, te recomendamos contactar con una agencia de paquetería.**

¿Necesitas un presupuesto más detallado?

*Necesitarás crearte una cuenta para ambas opciones.